Jorge Arriagada Biography

Le Musée Privé Magazine d'Art Moderne et Contemporain

One of the most prolific and versatile score composers in the history of contemporary cinema, known for his essential contribution to the films of Chilean director Raoul Ruiz. Their French debut Colloque de chiens (1977) won a Cesar for best short film, launching them as what has become the most productive and artistically creative duo in Latin American cinema history. Arriagada is a musical descendant of Arnold Schönberg.

He studied composition and orchestral conduction at the National Music Conservatory in Santiago, Chile, subsequently obtaining a scholarship from the French Government to study expressionism with Schönberg's friend and student, Max Deutsch in Paris. Other relevant teachers were Olivier Messiaen in composition and Pierre Boulez in orchestra conduction. In 1972 he was awarded with a fellowship by the Guggenheim Foundation in New York, due to his contribution in the field of electronic music.

Through more than 100 films, Jorge Arriagada has given proof of great virtuosity, exploring all possible genres and styles: classic, contemporary, folk music, jazz and tango, among others. Memorable scores include Silver Bear award winning films like Généalogies d'un crime (1997) and Jesse (1998). Recent full orchestral scores include the films Klimt (2006) and Le temps retrouvé, d'après l'oeuvre de Marcel Proust (1999), the later based on Marcel Proust's famous literary work.

Jorge Arriagada photo de Carlos Arriagada

Jorge Arriagada was the first composer to make a musical interpretation of Proust's imaginary "Sonate de Vinteuil", for this particular film. He has also contributed with scores for the films of directors Miguel Littin and Olivier Assayas, as well as for the productions of Nouvelle Vague pioneer, producer-director Barbet Schroeder. The youngest composer ever to be awarded with a fellowship by the Guggenheim Foundation in New York, in 1972. Member of the European Film Academy. Has been a member of the official juries of the 48th San Sebastian International Film Festival and of the 25th Sao Paulo International Film Festival.

Jorge Arriagada is a very good tennis player. He is one of the 30th best tennis player in France in his category. He plays tennis regularly in Chilie with his friend Jaime Fillol finalist in doubles of de Roland Garros in 1972.

Personal Quotes   Artists are the true heroes of every nation.

I consider music to be a primary element in the structure of a film and not just a mere incidental accessory. To me, it's evident that music must be considered in a project already when the idea for a script is born.

Aesthetically speaking, if you create a powerful sequence with an interesting sound design, and if that's enough for you to express what you want, than you won't need music at all. But if the music was considered already in the beginning of the creative process, the director will shoot the scenes while leaving space for the music to speak a language in its own terms.

I invented the famous "Sonate de Vinteuil" for Time Regained, with the following principle of tension: it begins in the style of Saint-Saëns and it ends with a Wagnerian thème choral.

For Raoul Ruiz, the music is equally important. When you go to see his films, you also go to listen to the music and you could say that, in many of his films, it is the image that complements the music - and not the other way around.

source The Internet Movie Database :

Le fim "Les Femmes du 6ème étage" réalisé par Philippe LE GUAY avec Fabrice Lucchini – Sandrine Kilberlain – Carmen Maura – Nathalie Verbeke, sur une musique du compositeur talentueux Jorge Arriagada est un véritable chef d'oeuvre à ne pas manquer si vous ne l'avez pas encore vu. Avec plus de 2 millions d'entrées déja, ce film est notre coup de coeur cinématographique : du grand art.

C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse et de peine que nous avons appris le décès de Jorge Arriagada le 8 octobre 2024 des suites d'un cancer.
Patrick Reynolds



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Patrick Reynolds

 Patrick Reynolds
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