CAMERA WORK Gallery presents an exhibition of 40 works by Russell James from april 29th until june 17th 2023. The exhibition traces the evolution of the photographer since the beginning of his artistic career. Russell James is one of the world's foremost fashion and portrait photographers, and is also known for the non-profit art project 'Nomad Two Worlds'. In addition to major works such as »Toni« and »Kendall Running«, there will also be exhibits that will be exhibited worldwide for the first time. With this exhibition, Russell James and CAMERA WORK support the Toni Garrn Foundation. The foundation was established in 2016 and is committed to helping girls and young women in Africa. The foundation promotes the establishment and expansion of educational projects and associated infrastructure to provide girls with safe and consistent access to educational institutions. Russell James PHOTO : Toni, 2016 © Russell James / Courtesy of CAMERA WORK Gallery |
Le Musée Prive - Art Magazine
Paris Gallery Weekend 2023
Paris Gallery Weekend 2023 Ouverts à tous.tes, gratuits et libres d’accès, les événements organisés à l’occasion du Gallery Weekend seront répartis dans de nombreux quartiers. Le Marais, Matignon, Belleville, Saint-Germain-des-Prés, ou encore Romainville serviront ainsi de décor à des promenades inédites et des découvertes pour tous les goûts. |
Laurence JENK Participation à des évènements artististiques
EXHIBITION TRIBUTE TO PICASSO BARBIZON FRANCE 8/04-10/06/2023 Pour commémorer les 50 ans de la disparition de Picasso, JENK a été invitée par la Mairie de Barbizon à célébrer le Maître aux côtés d'une cinquantaine d'artistes d'art contemporain. Pour cette exposition commémorative exceptionnelle '50 Ans Déjà', JENK a créé une œuvre unique 'Hommage à Picasso' exposée depuis le 8 avril et jusqu'au 10 juin 2023 à l'espace Marc Jacquet à Barbizon. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Picasso's death, JENK was invited by the City Hall of Barbizon to celebrate the Master, alongside fifty contemporary artists. For this exceptional commemorative exhibition '50 Years Already', JENK has created a unique work 'Tribute to Picasso' exhibited from April 8th to June 10th, 2023 at the Espace Marc Jacquet in Barbizon Wrapping Bonbon 'Hommage à Picasso' Polyester 98 cm sur socle aluminium © JENK 2023 |
Drum Circle, Central Park TRAIT D'UNION Galerie bruno massa is thrilled to introduce to international audience TRAIT D'UNION with PEPE HIDALGO & MAXWELL STEVENS and curated by ARIN FRUT. TRAIT D'UNION draws a line between two very different universes from North America, one is based on Spanish culture & dissipated folklore inherited by Pablo Picasso, Cubism or Juan Gris, the other one is more constructed and sophisticated with MAXWELL STEVENS's detailed oil, quasi-architectural, even for his abstracts. PEPE HIDALGO is a Canadian artist with Spanish origins born in 1953 who lives and works in Delta, British Columbia, Canada. An important purpose in his work is that it can speak for itself. When we sit, look, and listen, we often find meaning and understanding in what is in front of us. Imagery, symbolism, color, texture, shape, and volume are used to express his thoughts and feelings. Many of his paintings narrate a story, experience, or thought he wants to share with the audience. Just as each individual has their interpretation of events, viewers have their own interpretation depending on their life experiences. Pepe's work is abstract and figurative narrative. For a painting to be narrative the artist needs to incorporate elements the viewer can identify, this allows them to participate in the narrative of the painting. The paintings are open so the viewer can penetrate the artwork and feel as if they are the creator themselves. This allows people to have different interpretations and give their own meaning to his painting. His objective is finally for people to have a personal and unique experience with his marvelous art. |
Ouverture de la Galerie 110 Véronique Rieffel Mai 2023
Alexandra BREZNAY exposera à la Galerie 3F
Alexandra BREZNAY exposera à la Galerie 3F de Montmartre du 10 au 16 avril 2023 avec des photos et des gravures sur le thème de la Solitude Urbaine Vernissage le jeudi 13 avril dès 18H, jusqu'à 22H. 58 rue des Trois Frères 75018 PARIS Métro Abbesses La galerie est ouverte du lundi au dimanche de 10H à 20H Alexandra BREZNAŸ |
Siham DERRADJI Galerie Traits Noirs
ART MODERNE | ART CONTEMPORAIN La galerie TRAITS NOIRS s’inscrit depuis une quinzaine d’années dans la dynamique historique de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, reflétant les divers aspects et courants de l’abstraction. La récente ouverture de la galerie sur le contemporain, nous fait découvrir les travaux de jeunes artistes généralistes qui se démarquent des effets de mode et des victimes de la « Crampe de Duchamp ». La Galerie participe aux manifestations suivantes:
Gallery TRAITS NOIRS since fifteen years is part of the historical dynamics of the second half of the 20th century, reflecting various aspects and current abstraction. The recent opening of the gallery of contemporary photographers such as Nan Goldin and Cindy Scherman … make us discover the work of young artists that stand out from the effects of fashion and victims of “the cramp of Duchamp”. The gallery participates in the following events:
SALVADOR DALI ULTRALOCAL / ULTRAGLOBAL Mayoral, Paris, Matignon Exposition du 29 mars au 28 mai 2023 Du 29 mars au 28 mai 2023, la galerie Mayoral présente dans son espace parisien à Matignon une exposition monographique consacrée à Salvador Dalí. À travers une sélection d'oeuvres inédite, l’exposition témoigne de l’ambivalence entre le cosmopolitisme de l’artiste et son ancrage à Cadaqués, sa terre natale : deux aspects, qui semblent difficilement conciliables de prime abord mais qui s'incarnent toutefois dans son oeuvre et son personnage. En effet, Dalí nous prouve que c'est précisément son particularisme et la revendication de ses racines qui a rendu possible son universalisme. Sous le commissariat de Chus Martínez, Salvador Dalí, |
David Nash Galerie Lelong & Co
EVA MARC’H, artiste contemporain Expose à nouveau au GRAND PALAIS EPHEMERE PARIS dans le cadre de ART EN CAPITAL 2023 au Salon des artistes indépendants Exposition du 14 février 2023 au 19 février 2023 EVA MARC’H a commencé à peindre il y a 30 ans. « J'ai l'impression de naître chaque matin. Tous les jours, on apprend sur les autres, sur soi, sur notre quête dans ce monde. C'est cette quête que je retranscris dans mes œuvres guidés par l’inconscient. ». « Pour moi, l'acte de création, c'est d'abord une forme de lâcher-prise. Il faut se laisser aller pour exprimer sa créativité, faire confiance à son corps, à son geste et être dans une conscience positive » EVA MARC’H expose deux œuvres dans le cadre de l’exposition au Grand Palais, légères et qui révèlent la beauté de la Nature à travers l’Energie de la Couleur. EVA MARC’H exposera prochainement à la BIENNALE DE FLORENCE en octobre 2023 Contact : contact(at) site internet |
EVA MARC’H MIND WIND 1 - 116 X 89 cm Acrylique-HUILE PRIX 12 000 Euros |
EVA MARC’H MIND WIND 2 - 116 X 89 cm Acrylique-HUILE PRIX 12 000 Euros |
Over the Influence Presents Sooyoung Chung's Solo Show
Over the Influence Presents Sooyoung Chung's Solo Show OTI GALLERY : ASIA NOW : THE ARTIST | SOOYOUNG CHUNG : |
Francine Holley LA PATINOIRE ROYALE Galerie Valérie Bach
Francine Holley VERNISSAGE Nous nous réjouissons de vous retrouver prochainement! image : Francine Holley, sans titre, 1956, gouache sur papier, 34 x 22 cm |
Barakat Gallery New London Location
Dear Friends, Clients, and Patrons, After almost 20 years, earlier this month we moved out of our Gallery on 58 Brook Street to make way for the re-development of the entire block. We have not gone much far away though, and we relocated in a much larger space down the road in 31 Brook St, W1K 4HF, Mayfair, London. In the last few months we have been considerably busy organising this move, and I am sure that the collectors and art lovers who are reading this email will understand the challenges and the excitement of organising a new space. For my entire life I have always treasured antiquities for their ability to tell stories and in the last few months during the move our curators and staff have treasured the opportunity to caress every single artefact readying it for the move. It has been an incredibly inspiring experience as we have been able to think about every artefact anew, and we are looking forward to share our enthusiasm with you. Personally, I hope to be able to welcome many of you personally in the new location. Wishing each and everyone of you to be in the best of health, |
Karine TAILLANDIER La Galerie Makowski Paris et Karine TAILLANDIER sont heureux de vous convier au vernissage de l'exposition de Karine TAILLANDIER. Karine a 50 ans, mi-Parisienne, mi-provinciale. Elle a commencé à dessiner en 2016. Après un « léger » incident de parcours ;). Une jolie maladie qui «lui a offert ça, et c ‘est déjà pas mal». Comme un robinet qui se serait ouvert. Il coule à flots aujourd’hui et semble intarissable. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’à ce moment-là, les mots, dont elle vient et qui sont en grande partie son métier, lui ont semblé inadaptés à ce qu’elle a eu besoin de transmettre de son vécu, de ses sentiments. Trop complexes. Trop lourds pour ceux qui les recevraient. Alors elle s’est mise à raconter sa vision du monde en images. Ce sont des histoires courtes, qui lui viennent de ses rencontres, de ce qu’elle voit, de ce qu’elle vit, de ce qu’elle ressent du monde et des gens. Ce sont « ses aventures ». Elle travaille sur ordinateur, avec son index qui trace directement sur le pad. Ce sont des dessins où les personnages sont souvent d’un seul trait. Jaillis de son imaginaire malgré elle, finalement. Elle n’a jamais pris aucun cours, elle apprend donc en dessinant. Et elle adore ça. Parfois un peu «manga», noir et blanc ou de multiples couleurs, on dit de son travail qu’il est abstrait figuratif et souvent plein de poésie autant que de dureté. Comme de jolis paradoxes. |
Stems Gallery & Strouk gallery are pleased to present ALLISON ZUCKERMAN
Stems Gallery & Strouk gallery are pleased to present "A Taste of Mille-Feuilles" |
Artist, Allison Zuckermann in her studio, with artworks from "A Taste of Mille-Feuilles" show |
Allison Zuckerman's large scale canvases take a selection of female- orientated images from art history and, through the application of oil and acrylic paint, crystal rhinestones, and embedded archival CMYK ink, fuse them together in collage. Her work juxtaposes colourful pop imagery with a historical aesthetic. Through this marriage of epochs Zuckerman seeks to reclaim female figures from a male-dominated art historical canon, and does so with palpable excitement, humour and love. Allison Zuckerman (b. 1990 Harrisburg, PA) lives and works in New York, NY. |
David Hockney Galerie Lelong
David Hockney, August 2021, Landscape with Shadows, Twelve iPad paintings comprising a single work, printed on paper, mounted on Dibond, Edition of 25, 108.2 x 205 cm (42.5 x 80.75 Inches), © David Hockney |
David Hockney Five of the world's leading galleries are coming together to present 20 Flowers and Some Bigger Pictures, an unprecedented international exhibition by David Hockney. The global exhibition will be jointly presented this fall and winter across five cities: Annely Juda Fine Art in London; Galerie Lelong & Co. in Paris; GRAY in Chicago; L.A. Louver in Los Angeles; and Pace in New York. |
La Galerie Jean François Cazeau présente Nicolas Lefeuvre
1 Lucas Dvorak Fencers 2, 2015 - Photograph 23 3/5 × 31 1/2 in 60 × 80 cm Editions 2-7 of 7 |
JM Art Management present an exclusive online Artsy exhibition for Czech art and fashion photographer Lukas Dvorak. The show is replete with Dvorak's passionate, erotic, and intense photography. Lukas Dvorak captured photos of the surrounding nature, considering it his best source of inspiration and contrast. Dvorak believes that women should be exposed in the same way as nature does, demonstrating how one might act without needing to put up a front. This thought serves as the return to the birth of Venus, a reference to the original woman. Lukas combines his models' beautiful, feminine curves with an astonishing, raw, and untamed backgrounds by presenting them with breathtaking scenery. His scenes provide a sense of simplicity and purity through the interaction of nature and nudity. The artist characterizes his style as straightforward. Primary, straight lines must control the three aspects of lighting, position, and facial expression. His works show little sign of the enormous effort frequently required to achieve the correct pose. As he noted in an interview, respecting the woman's beauty is the first thing to do to capture her in her most spectacular and finest form. The most crucial criterion for Dvorak is a natural appearance; he shows his images in a timeless, pure style, devoting himself to the female nude with poise and creativity. The models have a natural appearance and a strong sense of character. |