
Presse et Editions
  • 1959   A Preface And Four Seasons : Livre sous emboitage tiré à 150  exemplaires tous signés par Irwin Shaw et John Levée contenant 5 lithographies signées
  • 1969    Lithos Edition Tamarind, Lithographic Studio
                  (Bourse Fondation Ford).
  • 1970   6 Lithos 2 RC, Edizione Grafiche, Rome
  • 1971     3 Lithos, Editions du Damier Paris
  • 1972     Lithos Editions Galerie Liatowitsch, Bâle
  • 1973     Galerie Viva Paris 1er multiples et édition de sets de
                    tables signés.
  • 1974    Edition de tapis en édition numérotée.
A Preface and Four Seasons Irwin Shaw and John Levee




Livre "A Preface and four Seasons" Lithographie

A Preface and Four Seasons Irwin Shaw and John Levee




Livre "A Preface and four Seasons" Lithographie

A Preface and Four Seasons Irwin Shaw and John Levee




Livre "A Preface and four Seasons" Lithographie

A Preface and Four Seasons Irwin Shaw and John Levee




Livre "A Preface and four Seasons" Lithographie

A Preface and Four Seasons Irwin Shaw and John Levee




Livre "A Preface and four Seasons" Lithographie

A Preface and Four Seasons Irwin Shaw and John Levee




Livre "A Preface and four Seasons" livre signé par Irwin Shaw et John Levee

A Preface and Four Seasons Irwin Shaw and John Levee