Le Musée Privé rencontre Christo par le-musee-priveA l'occasion d'une exposition d'oeuvres préparatoires de l'artiste Christo dans la galerie Guy Pieters qui se trouvait à l'époque avenue Matignon à Paris, Patrick Reynolds, Directeur du Magazine Le Musée Privé, et Sébastien Lecca, plasticien et performer, ont eu l'opportunité de poser quelques questions à l'un des artistes les plus monumentaux et influents de notre époque.
Compte-rendu en images...Une interview réalisée et préparée par André-Charles Idier
Remerciements à Christo, Guy Pieters et Isabelle Lelievre.
Guy Pieters Gallery
Albertplein 15
8300 Knokke-Heist
050/61.28.00Guy Pieters Gallery Zeedijk
Zeedijk 753
8300 Knokke-Heist
050/62.33.80Guy Pieters Gallery Offices
Edgard Gevaertdreef 10
9830 Sint-Martens-Latem
09/282.82.84Christo Javacheff - photo de Patrick H. Reynolds
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Guy Pieters et Christo - Photo Patrick H. Reynolds |
Bibliographie de Christo - Bibliography from Christo |
Note: The artists derive no income from the sale of the books, films or videos BOOKS: 1965 Christo. Texts by David Bourdon, Otto Hahn and Pierre Restany. Designed by Christo. Edizioni Apollinaire, Milano, Italy. 1968 Christo: 5,600 Cubic Meter Package. Photographs by Klaus Baum. Designed by Christo. Verlag Wort und Bild, Baierbrunn, Germany. 1969 Christo. Text by Lawrence Alloway. Designed by Christo. Harry N. Abrams Publications, New York, USA. Verlag Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart, Germany. Thames and Hudson, London, England. 1969 Christo: Wrapped Coast, One Million Square Feet. Photographs by Shunk-Kender. Designed by Christo. Contemporary Art Lithographers, Minneapolis, USA. 1970 Christo. Text by David Bourdon. Designed by Christo. Harry N. Abrams Publications, New York, USA. 1971 Christo: Projeckt Monschau.. By Willi Bongard. Verlag Art Actuell,Köln, Germany. 1973 Christo: Valley Curtain. Photographs by Harry Shunk. Designed by Christo. Verlag Gert Hatje, Stuttgart, Germany; Harry N. Abrams Publications, New York, USA. Pierre Horay, Paris, France. Gianpaolo Prearo, Milano, Italy. 1975 Christo: Ocean Front. Text by Sally Yard and Sam Hunter. Photographs by Gianfranco Gorgoni. Edited by Christo. Princeton University Press, New Jersey, USA. 1975 Environmental Impact Report: Running Fence. Prepared by Paul E. Zigman and Richard Cole, Environmental Science Associates Inc. Foster City, California,USA. 1977 Christo: The Running Fence. Text by Werner Spies. Photographs and editing by Wolfgang Volz. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, USA. (in English). Édition du Chêne, Paris, France, (in French). Editions Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart, Germany, (in German). 1978 Christo: Running Fence.. Chronicle by Calvin Tomkins. Narrative text by David Bourdon. Photographs by Gianfranco Gorgoni. Designed by Christo. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, USA. 1978 Christo: Wrapped Walk Ways. Essay by Ellen Goheen. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Designed by Christo. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, USA. 1980 Catalogue Raisonné of original works. Being prepared by Daniel Varenne. with the collaboration of Ariane Coppier, Marie-Claude Blancpain, Raphaëlle de Pourtales and Aurelie Cartier, in progress. 1982 Christo-Complete Editions 1964-82. Catalogue Raisonné. Introduction by Per Hovdenakk. Verlag Schellmann and Kluser, München, Germany. New York University Press, New York, USA. 1984 Christo: Works 1958-83. Text by Yusuke Nakahara. Publication Sogetsu Shuppan, Inc., Tokyo, Japan. 1984 Christo: Surrounded Islands, Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida, 1980-83 . Text by Werner Spies, photographs and editing by Wolfgang Volz. Dumont Buchverlag, Köln, Germany. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, USA, 1985. Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul de Vence, France, 1985. Ediciones Poligrafa, Barcelona, Spain, 1986. 1984 Christo-Der Reichstag. Compiled by Michael Cullen and Wolfgang Volz. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt, Germany. 1985 Christo. Text by Dominique Laporte. Publication: Art Press /Flammarion, Paris, France. English edition by Pantheon Books, New York, USA, 1986. 1986 Christo: Surrounded Islands, Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida, 1980-83. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Introduction and Picture Commentary by David Bourdon. Essay by Jonathan Fineberg. Report by Janet Mulholland. Designed by Christo. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, USA. 1987 Le Pont-Neuf de Christo, Ouvrage d'Art, Oeuvre d'Art, ou Comment Se Faire une Opinion. By Nathalie Heinich. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. A.D.R.E.S.S.E. Publication 1987 Helt Fel I Paris. By Pelle Hunger and Joakim Stromholm. Photographs by J. Stromholm. Butler and Tanner Ltd. The Selwood Printing Works, Fromme, England. 1988 Christo: Prints and Objects,1963-1987. Catalogue Raisonné edited by Jörg Schellmann and Josephine Benecke. Introduction by Werner Spies. Editions Schellmann, München, Germany. Abbeville Press, New York, USA. 1990 Christo: The Pont Neuf Wrapped, Paris, 1975-85. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Texts by David Bourdon and Bernard de Montgolfier. Designed by Christo. Harry N. Abrams Inc., New York, USA. Adam Biro, Paris, France. Dumont Buchverlag, Köln, Germany. 1990 Christo. By Yusuke Nakahara, Shinchosha Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. 1990 Christo. By Marina Vaizey. Poligrafa, Barcelona, Spain. Rizzoli, New York, USA. Albin Michel, Paris, France. Meulenhoff/Landshoff, Amsterdam, Holland. Verlag Aurel Bongers, Recklinghausen, Germany. Bijutsu Shupan-Sha, Tokyo, Japan. 1991 Christo:The Accordion-Fold Book for The Umbrellas, Joint Project for Japan and U.S.A. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Foreword and interview by Masahiko Yanagi. Designed by Christo. Chronicle Books, San Francisco, USA. 1993 Christo: The Reichstag and Urban Projects. Edited by Jacob Baal-Teshuva. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Contributions by Tilmann Buddensieg, Michael S. Cullen, Rita Süssmuth and Masahiko Yanagi. In German for the exhibitions at the Kunsthaus Wien, Austria - the Villa Stûch, Munich - and the Ludwig Museum, Aachen. Prestel Publications, München, Germany. In English for Prestel Publications, USA. 1994 Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Der Reichstag und Urbane Projekte. Edited by Jacob Baal-Teshuva. Contributions by Tilmann Buddensieg and Wieland Schmied. Interview by Masahiko Yanagi. Chronology by Michael S, Cullen. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Prestel Verlag, München, Germany. 1995 Christo and Jeanne-Claude. By Jacob Baal-Teshuva. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Designed by Christo. Edited by Simone Philippi and Charles Brace. Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, Köln, Germany. 1995 Christo, Jeanne-Claude, Der Reichstag dem Deutschen Volke. By Michael S. Cullen and Wolfgang Volz. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Bastei-Lübbe, Gustav Lübbe Verlag GmbH, Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany. 1995 Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Prints and Objects 1963-95. Catalogue Raisonné. Edited by Jörg Schellmann and Joséphine Benecke. Editions Schellmann, München-New York. Schirmer Mosel Verlag München, Germany. 1995 Christo and Jeanne-Claude PostcardBook. Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, Köln, Germany. 1995 Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Poster Book. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Text by Thomas Berg, Bonn, Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, Köln, Germany. 1995 Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin, 1971-95. The Project Book.. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Benedikt Taschen Verlag, GmbH, Köln, Germany. 1996 Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Wrapped/Verhüllter Reichstag,Berlin 1971-1995. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Picture Notes by David Bourdon. Edited by Simone Philippi. Designed by Christo. 700 pages. Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, Köln, Germany. Christo and Jeanne-Claude Projects selected from the Lilja Collection. Second Edition. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Preface by Torsten Lilja. Text by Per Hovdenakk. Azimuth Editions Limited, London, England. 1998 Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Umbrellas, Japan-Usa, 1984-91. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz, Picture notes by Jeanne-Claude and Masa Yanagi. Designed by Christo. Edited by Simone Philippi. 1,400 pages, two volumes in one box. Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmBH, Köln, Germany. 1998 Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Wrapped Trees, 1997-98. Photographs and Picture Notes by Wolfgang and Sylvia Volz. Introduction by Ernst Beyeler. Edited by Simone Philippi. Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmBH, Köln, Germany. 136 pages. 1998 Erreurs les plus Fréquentes.. Edited by Jeanne-Claude. In French. Editions Jannink, Paris. 2000 Christo and Jeanne-Claude , Most Common Errors/Erreurs Les Plus Fréquentes. Edted by Jeanne-Claude English and French. Edition Jannink, Paris. 2000 XTO + J-C. Christo und Jeanne-Claude, Eine Biografie von Burt Chernow, Epilog von Wolfgang Volz. In German. 496 pages, 55 illustrations plus 28 in color. (in German) Verlag Kiepenheuer and Witsch, Köln, Germany 2001 XTO + J-C. Christo e Jeanne-Claude, Una Biografia di Burt Chernow, Epilogo di Wolfgang Volz. (in italian) 366 pages, 99 illustrations, plus 28 in color. Publication Fondazione Ambrosetti Arte Contemporanea / Skira, Italy. 2002 XTO + J-C. Christo and Jeanne-Claude, a Biografie by Burt Chernow, Epilogue by Wolfgang Volz. (In English). Saint Martin's Press, New York. 2003 Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Gates, Project for Central Park, New York City. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Picture Commentary by Jeanne-Claude and Jonathan Henery. Published by Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, Inc. 2004 Christo and Jeanne-Claude: On the Way to the Gates. Essay and Interviews by Jonathan Fineberg. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Picture Commentary by Jeanne-Claude and Jonathan Henery. Edited by Patricia Fidler; Designed and produced by Ken Wong. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. and The Metropolitan Museum, New York City. 2005
Christo & Jeanne-Claude Postcard Book. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz, 30 Postcards Taschen GmbH, Cologne, Germany. Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Gates, Central Pa rk, New York City, 1979-2005. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz, Introduction by Anne L. Strauss, Picture Commentary by Jonathan Henery, Edited by Simone Philippi, Designed by Claudia Frey. 128 pages. Taschen GmbH, Cologne, Germany. Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Gates, Central Park, New York City, 1979-2005. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz, Picture Commentary by Jonathan Henery. Edited by Simone Philippi, Designed by Christo. 969 Pages. Taschen GmbH, Cologne, Germany. 2006 Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Over The River, Project for The Arkansas River, State of Colorado. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Picture commentary by Jonathan Henery. Designed by Christo. 148 pages. Publication Guy Pieters Gallery, Belgium.
Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Mastaba, Project for The United Arab Emirates.Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Picture commentary by Jonathan Henery. Design ed by Christo. 148 pages. Publication Guy and Linda Pieters, Belgium. 2008 2009 2010 CATALOGUES 1961 Galerie Haro Lauhus, Köln, Germany. Text by Pierre Restany. Poem by Stephan Wewerka. 1962 Rue Visconti, Paris. Le Docker et le Décor. Text by Pierre Restany. 1966 Stedelijk van AbbeMuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Text by Lawrence Alloway. 1968 Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA. Christo Wraps the Museum. Text by William Rubin. 1968 I.C.A. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. Text by Stephen Prokopoff. 1969 National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. Woolworks. Text by Jan van der Marck. 1971 Haus Lange Museum, Krefeld, Germany. Wrapped Floors, Covered Windows and Wrapped Walk Ways. Text by Paul Wember. 1971 Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, USA. Valley Curtain, Project for Rifle, Colorado, in progress. Documentation . Text by Jan van der Marck. 1973 Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, Germany, Valley Curtain, Documentation Exhibition Text by John Matheson. Photographs by Harry Shunk. 1974 Musée de Peinture et de Sculpture, Grenoble, France.Valley Curtain, 1970-72 Documentation Exhibitionn. Text by Maurice Besset. 1975 Galerie Ciento, Barcelona, Spain. Text by Alexandre Cirici. 1975 Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas. Exposicion Documental Sobre El Valley Curtain. Photographs by Harry Shunk. Impresion Editorial Arte, Caracas, Venezuela. 1977 Minami Gallery, Tokyo, Japan. Text by Yusuke Nakahara. 1977 Landische Museum, Bonn, Germany. Wrapped Reichstag, Project for Berlin. Texts by Wieland Schmied and Tilmann Buddensieg. 1977 Annely Juda Fine Art, London, England.Wrapped Reichstag, Project for Berlin. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Texts by Wieland Schmied and Tilmann Buddensieg. 1978 Galerie Art in Progress, München, Germany. Galerien Maximilianstrasse. Text by Albrecht Haenlein. 1978 Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo, The Netherlands. The Mastaba. Introduction by R.W.D. Oxenaar and text by Ellen Joosten. 1979 Wiener Secession. Wien, Austria. Running Fence, Documentation Exhibition. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Text by Werner Spies. Introduction by Herman J. Painitz. 1979 I.C.A., Boston, USA - Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin, Texas - Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Urban Projects. Introduction by Stephen Prokopoff. Text by Pamela Allara and Stephen Prokopoff. 1981 Museum Ludwig, Köln, Germany. Staedel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany. Urban Projects. Introduction by Karl Ruhrberg and Klaus Gallwitz. Text by Evelyn Weiss and Gerhard Kolberg. 1981 Juda-Rowan Gallery, London, England. Surrounded Islands, Project for Florida. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Text by Anitra Thorhaug. 1981 La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, California, USA. Collection on Loan from the Rothschild Bank AG, Zürich. Introduction by Robert McDonald. Text by Jan van der Marck. 1982 Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan.Wrapped Walk Ways. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Texts by Toshio Hara, Ellen R. Goheen and Toshio Minemura. Fondation Arc-en-Ciel, Tokyo. 1982 U.A.E. University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates. Environmental Art Works. Photographs by Harry Shunk and Wolfgang Volz. Foreword by Ezzidin Ibrahim. 1984 Satani Gallery, Tokyo, Japan. The Pont Neuf Wrapped, Project for Paris. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Text by Yusuke Nakahara. Interview by Masahiko Yanagi. 1984 Juda-Rowan Gallery, London, England. Objects, Collages and Drawings.1958-84. 1984 Architekturmuseum, Basel, Switzerland. Wrapped Floors, im Architekturmuseum in Basel. Text by Ulrike and Werner Jehle-Schulte. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. 1986 Satani Gallery, Tokyo, Japan. Wrapped Reichstag, Project for Berlin. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Interview by Masahiko Yanagi. 1986 Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona, Spain. Dibuixos i Collages. 1987 Museum of Contemporary Art, Gent, Belgium. Surrounded Islands, Documentation Exhibition. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Text by Werner Spies. 1987 Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo, Japan. A Collection on Loan from the Rothschild Bank, Zürich. Texts by Torsten Lilja, Yusuke Nakahara, Tokuhiro Nakajima and Akira Moriguchi. Interview by Masahiko Yanagi. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. 1987 Centre d'Art Nicolas de Staël, Braine-L'Alleud, Belgium. Dessins, Collages, Photographs. Text by A. M. Hammacher. Interviews by Marcel Daloze and Dominique Verhaegen. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. 1987 Edition Mönchehaus-Museum Verein zur Förderung Moderne Kunst, Goslar, Germany. Laudation zur Verleihung des Kaiserrings, Goslar, September 26, 1987, Germany. Text by Werner Spies. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz 1988 Satani Gallery, Tokyo, Japan. The Umbrellas, Joint Project for Japan and USA. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Introduction by Ben Yama. Text by Masahiko Yanagi. 1988 Annely Juda Fine Art, London, England. The Umbrellas, Joint Project for Japan and USA. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Interview and text by Masahiko Yanagi. 1988 Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. Collection on Loan From the Rothschild Bank AG. Zürich. Preface by Kuang-Nan Huang. Texts by Werner Spies and Joseph Wang. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. 1989 Guy Pieters Gallery, Knokke-Zoute, Belgium. The Umbrellas, Joint Project for Japan and USA. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Text by Masahiko Yanagi. Picture commentary by Susan Astwood. 1989 Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain, Nice, France. Selection from the Lilja Collection. Texts by Torsten Lilja, Claude Fournet, Pierre Restany, Werner Spies and Masahiko Yanagi. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. 1989 Galerie Catherine Issert, St. Paul de Vence, France. Works: 1965-1988. Text by Raphael Sorin. 1990 The Henie-Onstad Art Centre, Høvikodden, Norway. Works 1958-89, from the Lilja Collection. Introduction by Torsten Lilja. Text by Per Hovdenakk. Interview by Jan Åman. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. 1990 Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art - Japan. Hara Museum, ARC, Gunma, Japan - Fukuoka Art Museum, Japan. Surrounded Islands, Documentation Exhibition. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Text by Jonathan Fineberg. 1990 The Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Works from 1958-1990. Foreword by John Kaldor. Texts by Albert Elsen, Toni Bond, Daniel Thomas and Nicholas Baume. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. 1990 Bogerd Fine Art, Amsterdam, Holland. Drawings-Multiples. 1990 Gallery Seomi, Seoul, Korea. Prints and Lithographs. 1990 Satani Gallery, Tokyo, Japan. The Umbrellas, Joint Project for Japan and USA. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Text by Masahiko Yanagi. 1991 Annely Juda Fine Art, London, England. Projects Not Realized and Works in Progress. Foreword by Annely Juda and David Juda. 1991 Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona, Spain. Obra 1958-1991. Text by Marina Vaizey. 1991 Art Tower Mito, Ibaraki, Japan. Valley Curtain, Documentation Exhibition. And The Umbrellas, Joint Project for Japan and USA, Work in Progress. Photographs by Harry Shunk and Wolfgang Volz. Text by Jan van der Marck. Interview by Masahiko Yanagi. 1991 Satani Gallery, Tokyo, Japan. Early Works 1958-64. Text by Masahiko Yanagi and Harriet Irgang. 1992 Gallery Seomi and Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea. Works from 80's and 90's. Exhibitions curated by Carl Flach. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. 1992 Marugame Genichiro Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art, Japan. Valley Curtain, Documentation Exhibition. The Umbrellas, Japan-USA. Photographs by Harry Shunk and Wolfgang Volz. Text by Jan van der Marck. Interview by Masahiko Yanagi. 1993 Art Front Gallery, Hillside Terrace, Tokyo, Japan. Works from the 80's and 90's. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Curated by Carl Flach. Text compiled by Masahiko Yanagi. 1993 The Reichstag and Urban Projects. Edited by Jacob Baal-Teshuva. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Contributions by Tilmann Buddensieg and Wieland Schmied. Interview by Masahiko Yanagi. Chronology by Michael S. Cullen. Prestel-Verlag, München, Germany. 1994 Kunstmuseum, Bonn, Germany. Christo, The Pont Neuf Wrapped, Paris, 1975- 85. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Excerpts from Jeanne-Claude's Agenda. Texts by Volker Adolphs, Bernard de Montgolfier, Dieter Ronte and Constance Sherak. 1995 Christo and Jeanne-Claude Projects selected from the Lilja Collection. First Edition. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Preface by Torsten Lilja. Text by Per Hovdenakk. Azimuth Editions Limited, London, England. 1995 Museum Würth, Künzelsau, Germany. The Works in the Collection Würth. Texts by Lothar Romain and C. Sylvia Weber. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen 1995, Germany. 1995 Museum Würth, Künzelsau, Germany. Wrapped Floors and Stairways and Covered Windows. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Edited by C. Sylvia Weber. Texts by Wulf Herzogenrath, Hans Georg Frank, Sibylle Peine, Andreas Sommer, Wolfgang Reiner and Christian Marquart. Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen 1995, Germany. 1995 Annely Juda Fine Art, London, England. Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Three Works in Progress. Foreword by Annely Juda and David Juda. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. 1995 Art Front Gallery, Tokyo, Japan. Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin, and Works in Progress. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz, Sylvia Volz, André Grossmann, Michael Cullen and Yoshitaka Uchida. 1997 Yorkshire Sculpture Park, U.K.Christo and Jeanne-Claude Sculpture and Projects 1961-96. Preface by Peter Murray. Designed and produced by Claire Glossop. 1997 The Museum of Sketches, Lund, Sweden. Christo and Jeanne-Claude Projects, works from the Lilja Collection.. Introduction by Jan Torsten Ahlstrand. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. 1998 Galerie Guy Pieters, Belgium. Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Gates, Project for Central Park, New York; and Over The River, Project for the Arkansas River, Colorado.. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Designed by Christo. Picture notes by Jeanne-Claude and Jonathan Henery. 1998 Galerie Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland. Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Exerpts from a text by David Bourdon. Text by Werner Spies. 1999 IBA, Gasometer, Oberhausen, Germany. Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Umbrellas, Japan-USA, A documentation Exhibition. Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin, 1971-95, A Ducumentation Exhibition. The Wall-13,000 Oil Barrels. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Preface by Prof. Karl Ganser. Texts by Marion Taube, David Bourdon and Wolfgang Volz. Edited by Simone Philippi. Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, Köln, Germany. 2000 2001 "Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Art of Gentle Disturbance". Macy Gallery, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA. (Brochure: photographs by Wolfgang Volz, Jean-Dominique Lajoux and Harry Shunk.) "Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Two Works in Progress: Over the River, Project for the Arkansas River, Colorado, and The Gates, Project for Central Park, New York." State University Art Gallery, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA. (Brochure: photographs by Wolfgang Volz.) "Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Gates, Projectfor Central Park New York City.and Over The River, Project for The Arkansas River, Colorado Two works in Progress." Guy Pieters Gallery, Saint Paul de Vence, France. June 16 to July 30. Catalogue: (2 catalogues in a box, edition 2001 "Over the River": picture commentary by Jeanne-Claude and Jonathan Henery, photographs by Wolfgang Volz, Sylvia Volz and Simon Chaput. "The Gates": picture commentary by Jeanne-Claude and Jonathan Henery, photographs by André Grossman and Wolfgang Volz, (In English) "Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Gates, Projectfor Central Park New York City.and Over The River, Project for The Arkansas River, Colorado Two works in Progress." Guy Pieters Gallery, Saint Paul de Vence, France. June 16 to July 30. Catalogue: (2 catalogues in a box, edition 2001 "Over the River": picture commentary by Jeanne-Claude and Jonathan Henery, photographs by Wolfgang Volz, Sylvia Volz and Simon Chaput. "The Gates": picture commentary by Jeanne-Claude and Jonathan Henery, photographs by André Grossman and Wolfgang Volz, (In German)) Catalogue: "Early Works 1958-69": Texts by Lawrence Alloway, David Bourdon, Jan van der Marck, photographs by Ferdinand Boesch, Thomas Cugini, André Grossmann Eeva-Inkeri, Jean-Dominique Lajoux, Harry Shunk, Wolfgang Volz, Stefan Wewerka.and many others. Catalogue "Wrapped Reichstag" pictures commentary by David Bourdon, Michael S. Cullen, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Taschen Verlag Publications. "Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Pont Neuf Wrapped, Paris, 1975-85, Documentation Exhibition." Fondacao Armando Alvares Penteado, São Paulo, Brazil. Catalogue :texts by Volker Adolphs, Albert Elsen and David Bourdon.. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz 2002 2004 2002 Christo & Jeanne-Claude, W?rth Collection. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Text by Dieter Ronte. 41 pages. Published for the W?rth Collection by C. Sylvia Weber. Museum W?rth, K?nzelsau, Germany.
2003 2004 Christo and Jeanne-Claude, XTO + J-C. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Texts by Albert Elsen and by Ettore Camuffo. In Italian and in English. 230 pages. August 1 to September 5, 2004. Galleria d'Arte Contini, Venice, Italy. 2004 Christo and Jeanne-Claude, XTO + J-C. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Texts by Albert Elsen, by Ettore Camuffo and by Laura Tansini. In Italian and in & nbsp; English. 250 pages. October 9-November 30, 2004. 2005 Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Over The River, Project for The Arkansas River, State of Colorado, (A work in Progress). Exhibition curated by Josy Kraft. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz, Picture commentary by Jonathan Henery. Gallery Annely Juda Fine Art, London, England. Oct. 18- December 17, 2005. Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Würth Museum Collection. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Texts by: Ann Van Devanter Townsend; Reinhold Würth; Dieter Ronte; David Bourdon. 128 pages. Published by Trust for Museum Exhibitions, Washington DC, USA. Catalogue for touring exhibitions at: National Academy of Design, New York City, USA (October 2004-January 9, 2005; Bass Museum, Miami Beach, Florida, USA (February 3-June 26, 2005); Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS. Canada (August 11-October 16, 2005); Portland Museum of Art, Portland Maine, USA (November 3 2005-January 1, 2006); Austin Museum of Art, Austin, Texas, USA (January 28-April 30, 2006).
Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Over The River, Project for The Arkansas River, State of Colorado. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Picture commentary by Jonathan Henery. Designed by Christo. 148 pages. Publication Guy Pieters Gallery, Belgium. 2007 Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Projects. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Texts by Luciano Caprile and Giulio Tega. Galleria Tega, Milano, Italy. Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Projects. Photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Text by Bedarida. Galleria Repetto, Acqui Termi, Italy. 2008
Note: The artists derive no income from the sale of the books, films or videos 1969 Wrapped Coast. Blackwood Productions. 30 minutes. 1970 Works in Progress. Blackwood Productions. 30 minutes. 1972 Christo's Valley Curtain. Maysles Brothers and Ellen Giffard. 28 minutes. The film was nominated for the Academy Award in 1973. 1977 Running Fence. Maysles Brothers / Charlotte Zwerin. 58 minutes. 1978 Wrapped Walk Ways. Blackwood Productions. 25 minutes. 1985 Surrounded Islands. Maysles Brothers / Charlotte Zwerin. 57 minutes. 1990 Christo in Paris. (The Pont Neuf Wrapped,1975-85). David and Albert Maysles, Deborah Dickson, Susan Froemke. 58 minutes. 1995 Christo and Jeanne-Claude, an overview of the oeuvre 1959-1995 . Blackwood Productions. 58 minutes 1996 Umbrellas. Albert Maysles, Henry Corra and Graham Weinbren. 81 minutes. The film won the Grand Prize and the People's Choice Award at the1996 Montréal Film Festival. 1996 Christo und Jeanne-Claude, "Dem Deutsche Volke", Verhüllter Reichstag 1971-95. (Wrapped Reichstag). Wolfram and Jörg Daniel Hissen, EstWest. 98 minutes. 1998 "Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Wrapped Trees" Gebrüder Hissen, EstWest. 26 minutes. 2004 5 Films about Christo and Jeanne-Claude, A Maysles Films Production 2005 "Christo and Jeanne-Claude, On the Way to Over The River." Gebrüder Hissen, EstWest. 34 minutes.
Michael Blackwood Productions Maysles Films, Inc. ESTWEST Film and Video Productions |