À vos masques,
Partez !

Le virus de l'art
Exposition du 11 juin - 11 juillet 2020
Galerie Lélia Mordoch
50 rue Mazarine, 75006, Paris.
Francky BOY • James CHEDBURN • Romain FROQUET
Franck LORET • MISS TIC • SERTY 31 • Pétra WERLÉ

A vos masques... Prêts ? Partez ! Venez tous diffuser avec nous le virus de l'art, une exposition qui oscille entre joie de vivre et actualité pour renouer avec la liberté et oublier la sinistrose de l'enfermement du confinement.
Merci à Miss Tic, Francky Boy, Romain Froquet, Gérard Guyomard, Franck Loret, L'Atlas, Serty 31, James Chedburn et Petra Werlé pour leurs œuvres où l'humour et la légèreté rivalisent avec la pertinence du sujet et la précision du trait.
C'est devant deux verres d'un excellent whisky écossais que James et moi avons élaboré cette exposition au début du mois de mars.

Miss Tic - Soyons heureuses en attendant le bonheur, 2006 - Encre aérosol et fragments d'affiches - 200 x 250 cm

Miss Tic Soyons heureuses en attendant le bonheur,
2006 - Encre aérosol et fragments d'affiches 200 x 250 cm

Lire la suite : Le virus de l'art Galerie Lélia Mordoch

Cinzia, Claude, Sandrine X, 1983-1984, print on archival pigment paper, 132 x 109 cm

Frank Horvat

Vraies Semblances, 1981-1986

18 June – 10 October 2020

Galerie Lelong & Co.
38, avenue Matignon 75008 Paris
+ 33 1 45 63 13 19

"The idea of referring to famous master-pieces probably came to me from a thought that had often crossed my mind – on the subway, for instance – when glancing at some woman who struck me as particularly beautiful, but who didn't seem conscious of her beauty, and whom a fashion editor would never have allowed me to photograph for a magazine, although I could easily imagine her in a painting by Leonardo da Vinci, Rubens or Ingres. I visualised them in the costume and with the hairstyle of one of those periods, or even naked in some mythological scene: partly because I like fantasising about bygone ages, but more because, as a photographer, I prefer discovering unexpected beauties, rather than celebrating those that, in my eyes, are somewhat devalued by general admiration. I have to admit that in the beginning I wasn't a great connoisseur of classical painting. But little by little, as this game of associations went on and as the project took shape, I began to revisit museums and to assemble a small library of art books, which in turn helped to feed my phantasies." Frank Horvat

Lire la suite : Frank Horvat Vraies Semblances Galerie Lelong & Co

Richard Serra

Nouvelles Estampes

12 March – 24 July 2020

Galerie Lelong & Co.
13, rue de Téhéran, 75008 Paris
+ 33 1 45 63 13 19

Richard Serra (San Francisco, 1939) is one of the great contemporary sculptors, whose determination to build a substantial, rigorous (always black) and innovative body of engraved work is particularly remarkable. Having explored the resources of lithography then screen-printing in the 1970s and 1980s, for the last 30 years he has focused on etchings in small, medium and then especially in very large format. The essence of Serra's work as a sculptor is to transmit to the viewer a sensation of unstable equilibrium between a weight and its proportions. By constantly inventing, with his Californian printers, new procedures, new inks or mixtures and new methods of printing, he has brilliantly succeeded in transposing this research in the two dimensions of etching. In Spring 2018, Galerie Lelong & Co. presented the immense and imposing Rift works. This new exhibition will present the recently completed Right Angle from 2019, among others.

Right Angle I, 2019, Etching and paintstick, 46 x 38 cm Galerie Lelong & Co

Richard Serra Right Angle I, 2019,
Etching and paintstick, 46 x 38 cm

Rythmes and Vibrations
Adnan, Brown, De Maria, Förg, Jones, Scully, Uslé, Verdier
Galerie Lelong & Co.
13, rue de Téhéran, 75008 Paris
38, avenue Matignon 75008 Paris
+ 33 1 45 63 13 19 /

The gallery will be closed from July 30 to August 30 included.

Right from the start of abstract art, there was a split between two lines, indicating seemingly opposed tendencies: on the one hand a structured and economical art, often proscribing curves, seeming to privilege the cerebral and programmatic, and on the other, a warmer and more informal art in which spontaneity and sensitivity imposed their rhythm. Yet these two lines have never ceased overlapping and enriching each other. In the case of many painters, they co-exist or succeed one another.

Etel Adnan
It is through the minimalist simplicity of her forms as well as through the sincerity of her colours that Etel Adnan's full originality expresses itself. Revealed by the Kassel Documenta in 2012, Adnan, who was already a well-known poet published in many languages, has won an absolutely singular place in the art world. Her paintings have the force and self-evidence of a haiku.

Samuel Levi Jones, House of Leaves, 2020, portfolios on canvas, 127 x 127 cm

Samuel Levi Jones, House of Leaves, 2020,
portfolios on canvas, 127 x 127 cm

Lire la suite : Galerie Lelong & Co Rythmes and Vibrations

Marc Desgrandchamps


18 June – 24 July 2020

Galerie Lelong & Co.
13, rue de Téhéran, 75008 Paris
+ 33 1 45 63 13 19

Marc Desgrandchamps, born in 1960, studied at the Fine Arts Academy of Paris. In the 90s he breaks free from the opposition between figurative and abstract art characteristic of the great majority of XXth century pictorial narratives.

For although his work is figurative, the artist refuses to name it as such. His works are not nudes, not landscapes, nor still-life studies: they transcend categories. They play with the interpenetration of forms and subject, solely underscoring the ambiguity of time and space. Scenes play out against the depth of the painting, time is suspended and references to painting, photography and films run through his work.

Barcelona, Barri Gòtic, 2018, Ink and gouache on paper, 20 x 29 cm

Barcelona, Barri Gòtic, 2018,
Ink and gouache on paper, 20 x 29 cm

Lire la suite : Marc Desgrandchamps Barcelona Galerie Lelong & Co

norbert bisky templon1h
NORBERT BISKY - DATES Mar 14-May 23, 2020
Desmadre Berlin
14 MARS - 9 MAI, 2020
Galerie Templon
28, rue Grenier Saint-Lazare

On his first return to Paris since 2014, German painter Norbert Bisky plunges us into the heart of his native capital city: the wild Desmadre Berlin of the inter-war period, a world of hedonism and anarchy whose traces are still to be found on the capital's walls today.

In this new series, Bisky has chosen to swap the pastel blue of his skies for darker hues and the luminous smiles of his models for more serious expressions. His baroque scenes feature bronzed models who bring to mind the communist propaganda which marked the artist's youth in GDR. Alongside them are the night birds, hipsters and outsiders who populate the streets of Berlin Friedrichshain every evening, drifting among the post-industrial facades that characterise the district, a favourite haunt of the city's denizens of the night.

Lire la suite : Norbert Bisky Galerie Templon

C'est en 2015 que Pascal Robaglia inaugure sa nouvelle galerie, la galerie Gilbert Bard, avec le concours st le soutien du peintre Gully (né en 1977).

Inventeur du concept de "galerie à la maison", dans une belle demeure du Vésinet, Pascal Robaglia a mis en oeuvre son savoir-faire pour promouvoir le peintre Gully et participer à son extraordinaire réussite.

Gully est le peintre de l'appropriationisme à la suite de quoi, il s'est attaqué à tous ceux qu'il considère comme les monstres sacrés du milieu de l'art. Aujourd'hui, Gully raconte dans des décors à l'architecture somptueuse, des histoires d'enfants émerveillés par l'art et plus particulièrement par les tableaux de ses maîtres, dans des petites histoires que l'on pourrait voir comme des cases de BD’s, sans dialogue, permettant ainsi au spectateur de pouvoir se raconter le tableau.

Gully, né en 1977 est un graffeur et artiste français de la région parisienne. Il a décidé de changer de pseudonyme pour passer de sa vie de graffeur à celle d'artiste d'atelier et ainsi garder l'anonymat. Ses premières œuvres sous son nouveau pseudonyme voient le jour en 2008. Il a pratiqué le graffiti intensivement de 1992 au milieu des années 2000. Il a changé de nom d'artiste, ne ressentant pas le besoin que son travail sur toile soit associé à son passé dans le mouvement graffiti. Il se consacre aujourd'hui au travail en atelier, même s'il reconnait souvent remettre son masque d'antan, l'adrénaline étant un moteur pour toute cette génération.

Photo de pascal Robaglia pendant les Voiles de Saint Tropez

Photo de Pascal Robaglia pendant
Les Voiles de Saint Tropez

Lire la suite : Pascal Robaglia, une deuxième galerie

8 mai 1945 - 8 mai 2020
"Le Baiser de la Victoire"
Paris, Champs-Élysées, 8 mai 1945

Cette photo est en vente :

43 rue Daubenton 75005 Paris

Le 8 mai 1945, à 15 heures, les cloches sonnent pour marquer la fin de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale en Europe. Le général de Gaulle annonce lui-même la capitulation allemande dans une allocution radiophonique. Partout en France, des scènes de joie célèbrent la défaite du nazisme.

En ce 8 mai 2020, nous voulons, à notre manière, fêter ce retour de la liberté en vous proposant d'acquérir ce morceau de notre histoire.

Cette photographie est tirée en tirage argentique traditionnel sur papier baryté, à l'agrandisseur, à partir du négatif originel, par Thomas Consani du laboratoire Dupon et est authentifiée par le timbre à sec de Roger Schall dans la marge. Le cadre est en aluminium brossé noir, au format 30 x 30 cm.

À titre exceptionnel, ce tirage vous est proposé au prix de 250€ et nous vous offrons l'encadrement et les frais de port pour la France métropolitaine (merci de nous contacter pour d'autres destinations).

Si cette offre vous intéresse ou si vous souhaitez d'autres formats ou des informations complémentaires, merci de nous écrire à : argentic(at)argentic.fr ou simplememnt de répondre à ce message.

Prenez soin de vous et de vos proches et à très bientôt.

roger schall argentic
Lire la suite : 8 mai 1945 - 8 mai 2020 Le Baiser de la Victoire de Roger Schall Galerie Argentic

16 rue Parmentier
06100 Nice
T. 04 93 84 81 30

17 juillet - 10 octobre 2020

Magali Daniaux et Cédric Pigot • Hello Humans!

Humour caustique, visions sauvages et télescopages délirants décrivent un monde où toute la démesure du nôtre semble s’être agrégée en des figures jusqu’alors inédites, logée dans des fantasmes et croyances d’un genre nouveau.

Deux coups de feu, la dispersion de la fumée
Cockatoo! Cockatoo!
Un appel pour une ambulance
Un jour, vous serez égarés dans une ville surpeuplée
Les beaux rêves ne sont pas faits de gaz lacrymogène
Il y a une fin aux Hommes
Il y a une fin pour les Chefs

Magali Daniaux et Cédric Pigot Hello Humans 2020 Photomontage

Magali Daniaux et Cédric Pigot
Hello Humans ! 2020 Photomontage

Lire la suite : LE NARCISSIO Magali Daniaux et Cédric Pigot Hello Humans

Denis Darzacq – Absences
10 avril – 9 mai

Galerie Laurence Miller
521 West 26th St, 5ème étage
New York, NY 10001

A reliable feature of good art is its ability to take on new resonance. When Denis Darzacq initiated this body of work he couldn’t have known how profoundly the concept of absence would speak to the emptying out of the cafés and street life in his native Paris this year. In a uniquely insular moment when many have been afforded a time for greater reflection and self-reliance, Darzacq’s process of mining his own work for raw material also rings true. By cutting and tearing recent photographic prints of his own work he generated a wealth of formal material that could be recombined endlessly to yield surprising new compositions. The saturated colors, strong lighting, and shallow relief yield images that are at once abstract and hyperreal. If these works ultimately erase the subjects of Darzacq’s previous works they also read convincingly as newly formed worlds. As ever, out of the old comes the new.

French photographer Denis Darzacq was born and raised in Paris, a city in which he still lives and works today. He graduated from the ENSAD (French National School for Decorative Arts) in 1986 and started his photographic career following the French rock scene.

In 1994 he began a series exploring the nocturnal life of Parisians titled “Only Heaven”, which he exhibited at various photo festivals. In 1999 the French Ministry of Culture commissioned him a body of work on French youth. The interaction between man and urban space and, more precisely, the suburbs have been a driving force in his recent work.

Denis Darzacq Absence N°13, 2018 Galerie Laurence Miller

Denis Darzacq Absence N°13, 2018 Galerie Laurence Miller

Lire la suite : Denis Darzacq Galerie Laurence Miller New-York

Aux Pays-Bas le commerce de l'art redémarre, ceci doit nous faire réfléchir sur la meilleurs façon de sortir de cette pandémie, pour votre information les Pays-Bas qui comptent 17 211 741 habitants en 2020 ont eu 34,842 cas de Covid 19 ayant entrainé 4054 morts au 22 avril 2020

Jaski Gallery now open on friday, saturday and sunday

The cautious relaxation of the Dutch Covid-19 restrictions has made us decide to partially reopen the gallery.

Until further notice, we will be open to the public on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 12 pm until 6 pm. If you want to visit the gallery on other days, you can make an appointment by telephone or e-mail.

Jaski Gallery
Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 29
1017 DB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T 020-6203939
F 020-6203069

Karel Appel, Rencontre, Mixed media on paper 1954, 51 x 65 cm, Acquired by Willem Sandberg for the Peter Stuyvesant Collection in 1964. This work is registered in the archive of the Karel Appel Foundation.

Karel Appel, Rencontre, Mixed media on paper 1954, 51 x 65 cm,
Acquired by Willem Sandberg for the Peter Stuyvesant Collection in 1964.
This work is registered in the archive of the Karel Appel Foundation.

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Patrick Reynolds

 Patrick Reynolds
Directeur de publication


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