Vente oeuvres de John Levee
Ming Dynasty The Barakat Gallery Beverly Hills CA
Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who have put off entering paradise in order to help others attain enlightenment. There are many different Bodhisattvas, but the most famous in China is Avalokitesvara, known in Chinese as Guanyin. Early depictions of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara displayed male characteristics, but this tradition subsequently became less rigid. By the end of the Yuan Dynasty (AD 1367/8), most Guanyin sculptures depicted the beings as young women, often bearing a vase of holy water to cleanse the souls of those they were bound to protect. According to legend, Guanyin was born on the nineteenth of the second lunar month, achieved enlightenment on the nineteenth of the sixth lunar month and achieved nirvana on the nineteenth of the ninth lunar month. It is said that s/he is the top Bodhisattva beside Shakyamuni Buddha, and an assistant Bodhisattva beside Amitabha Buddha in the Western World of Ultimate Bliss. It is believed that any sentient being who recites his/her name during a disaster would be heard and saved, which can explain why his/her importance to Chinese Buddhism. "Guanyin" literally means "observing the sounds", which refers to the belief that the Guanyin would observe all the sounds in the world, particularly listening for requests from worshippers. The current example is female, and stands 39" tall on an incorporated base. The pose is somewhat langurous, with the weight shifted onto the right leg while the left is slightly bent. The left hand hangs by the side, holding some implement or piece of drapery. The right hand is raised, and appears to be an object of contemplation by Guanyin. The head is carved in a mood of reflective serenity, and is inclined slightly to the right. The sculpture is topped with a tall, ornate crown of generally floral aspect, with plume-like eminences arranged in vertically-oriented bunches. The underlying hair has been gathered up underneath the crown, leaving a halo of hair around its perimeter. A loose tunic-like garment (dhoti) envelops the lower half of the body, and further drapery (scarves) is casually wrapped over the shoulders. The complexity of the drapery and the care with which it has been carved is stunning - the individual folds and creases are all cleanly and deftly rendered, and contrast with the smooth texture of the skin. The figure additionally wears two bracelets on the left wrist, as well as a necklace and pendant arrangement in the chest area. This is a superb and important sculpture that would grace any collection of Eastern art. For more information on this example click the image above. To browse additional |
Ming Dynasty Lacquered Wood Sculpture of Guanyin The Barakat Gallery, 421 North Rodeo Drive, |
Forthcoming Exhibition` Tuesday 26 October 2017, 6-9 .pm FEATURED ARTIST Benjamin Sebban Gallery is an art gallery established right in the heart of Brussels whose team takes pride in building consistent bridges between knowledgeable collectors and some of the most relevant names in Modern and Post War Art, with special emphasis on the abstract school . Our independent position enables us, as art dealers, to thoroughly guide and assist clients in acquisitions at auctions and art fairs, both from international art galleries and private collections. Whether in painting, illustration or sculpture, our vast network of private sources allows us to suggest works of art to both private collectors and institutions; it goes without saying that this is a personalised service, tailored to cater to the specific desire of anyone who we work with, to further meet their needs meticulously as it is our ultimate mission to offer both independent and razor-sharp advice with rigorous integrity and connoisseurship. |
Jean Dubuffet " Situation" 1979, 35 x25.5 cm |
Happy to announce our new location at Pacific Design Center, Unit B-222, I come from an international background and business experience combined with an artistic temperament. I was born in snowy Siberia, Russia but relocated to Cairo, Egypt at age of nine where I was raised. My mother, who is my Idol, is the owner of one of the most prestigious ballet academies in Russia, I was trained to dance, act and music from a young age and given an international education (Thanks to my Mother), eventually graduating from the Russian Diplomatic School. After graduation, I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management from Novosibirsk State University. I began my professional career with Sherry Haute Couture an Egyptian- American fashion firm based in Guangzhou, China. While with Sherry I was intimately involved with the organization and management of numerous fashion shows and events such as Hong Kong Fashion week, Canton Fair, Cairo Fashion Week, CPM Moscow and much more. Then I moved back to Cairo as a marketing executive for the ITC group, one of Egypt’s biggest hospitality corporations. |
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Exposition Michèle Destarac Galerie Hervé Courtaigne
Présentation de Bijoux AnuschB galerie BEGRAMOFF
Dans le cadre de l'exposition 'Au-delà des frontières...' AnuschB, née le 5 Oct 1971, est une artiste belge qui vit entre Bruxelles et Murano. Elle a retrouvé à Venise la lagune de son enfance Africaine : comme une évidence, le cercle de la vie... AnuschB, born in 1971, is a Belgian artist who lives between Brussels and Murano. She found in Venice the lagoon of her childhood in Africa: the circle of Life … |
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François Morellet et l’abstraction géométrique Galerie Zlotowski Paris
Les galeries Zlotowski 20 Rue de Seine, 75006 Paris et Catherine Issert, Saint-Paul-de-Vence s’associent durant l’été-automne 2017 pour présenter simultanément deux expositions autour de François Morellet et de l’abstraction géométrique : du 26 août au 28 octobre à la septembre au 31 octobre à la galerie Zlotowski. Le commissariat de cette double exposition est confié à Serge Lemoine, professeur émérite à l’Université de la Sorbonne (Paris). Elle fait l’objet d’un catalogue réalisé conjointement par les deux galeries pour lequel Serge Lemoine écrira un texte introductif. Mettant en jeu l’exploration des possibilités de la géométrie dans l’art, ces deuxpropositions se déploient selon l’axe de travail de chacune des galeries : l’art moderne et les avant-gardes du vingtième siècle pour la galerie Zlotowski et l’art contemporain pour la galerie Catherine Issert. Ainsi se crée un aller retour entre passé et présent, qui met en résonance plus d’un siècle de création |
François Morellet |
François MORELLET correspondances amicales
François MORELLET Galerie Catherine Issert Le jeudi 28 septembre à la Galerie ZLOTOWSKI 20, rue de Seine 75006 PARIS Les galeries Catherine Issert, Saint-Paul-de-Vence et Zlotowski, Paris s’associent durant l’été - automne 2017 pour présenter simultanément deux expositions autour de François Morellet et de l’abstraction géométrique : du 26 août au 18 novembre à la galerie Catherine Issert et du 29 septembre au 31 octobre à la galerie Zlotowski. Le commissariat de cette double exposition est confié à Serge Lemoine, professeur émérite à l’Université de La Sorbonne, Paris. Elle fera l’objet d’un catalogue réalisé conjointement par les deux galeries pour lequel Serge Lemoine écrira un texte introductif. The Galerie Catherine Issert, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, and Galerie Zlotowski, Paris, are teaming up for summer-autumn 2017 to present simultaneously two exhibitions focusing on François Morellet and geometric abstraction: from August 26th to November 18th at the Galerie Catherine Issert, and from September 29th to October 31st at the Galerie Zlotowski. Mettant en jeu l’exploration des possibilités de la géométrie dans l’art, ces deux propositions se définissent selon l’axe de travail de chacune des galeries : l’artcontemporain pour la galerie Catherine Issert, l’art moderne et les avant-gardes du vingtième siècle pour la galerie Zlotowski. Ainsi se crée un aller-retourentre passé et présent, qui met en résonance plus d’un siècle de création artistique, plaçant en son centre cet artiste majeur que fut François Morellet. Pursuing the exploration of possibilities for geometry in art, two proposals have been defined reflecting the type of work presented by each gallery: contemporary art for the Galerie Catherine Issert, modern art and 20th-century avant-garde artists for the Galerie Zlotowski. A round-trip is thus created between past and present, echoing over a century of artistic creation, and placing the major artist that was François Morellet at its centre. |
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GALERIE MAEGHT 42 rue du Bac 75007 Paris MAEGHT, IMPRIMEUR ET ÉDITEUR D’ART Exposition du 7 septembre au 7 octobre 2017 Pour cette rentrée 2017, la Galerie Maeght met à l’honneur les métiers de l’imprimerie. Le parcours de l’exposition s’articule autour de rares ouvrages de bibliophilie : les éditions luxe de l’incontournable collection Derrière Le Miroir, la collection Duos et des livres de bibliophilie historiques ou contemporains tels que Braque-Reverdy, La liberté des mers / Calder-Prévert, Fêtes / Chagall-Malraux, Et sur la terre / Miró-Prévert, Adonides / Del Re-Alechine, Poème Maltais / Safirstein-Blake, Ah! Sunflower… En 1964, Adrien Maeght crée l’imprimerie ARTE à Paris où se retrouvent depuis artistes, poètes et artisans d’art autour d’une même passion : l’imprimerie sous toutes ses formes, de la plus classique à la plus innovante. Aujourd’hui, Maeght éditeur est reconnu dans le monde entier pour la liberté de création, la variété et la haute qualité des procédés d’impression : eau-forte, linogravure, lithographie… Avec plus de 12 000 titres édités, Maeght est un des plus importants éditeurs d’art et s’attache à la tradition notamment en développant des collaborations entre artistes, designers et poètes contemporains tels qu’Ivan Alechine, Marco Del Re, Patrick Depin, Olivier Gagnère, Vénus Khoury-Ghata, Ra’anan Levy, Pierre Roy-camille ou Julie Safirstein. L’exposition « Maeght, imprimeur et éditeur d’art » est accompagnée de la diffusion du film Miró Lithographe. |